  • 7

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You have successfully completed The Institute as Primus of House Mars and have been invited to play The Sovereign's Game. The game is designed to ensure that only the most ambitious and greedy prevail. There are n piles of resources available, and the objective is to collect the MAXIMUM number of resource points within k turns.

Collecting Resources:
Each turn, you can select ONE resource pile. As a Gold, it is in your nature to be greedy. As a result, you will only select the resource pile with the most resource points currently available. If two or more piles have the same resource points, select the one with the larger replenishment rate. Collecting a resource pile will collect ALL the resource points from that pile.

Resource Replenishment:
After a resource pile has been collected, it is replenished to rate% of its current value rounded DOWN. Once a resource pile has been collected, it CANNOT be collected again until 3 turns have passed from when it was last collected.

Example: If a resource pile has value of 19 points and the rate is 10, the pile will be replenished to 1 point (19 × 10% = 1.9 rounded down to 1).
Line 1: Integer k representing the number of turns.
Line 2: Integer n representing the number of resource piles.
Next n lines: Space separated integers representing resource points and replenish rate in the form: value rate
Integer of MAXIMUM resource points collectable in k turns.
1 ≤ k ≤ 999999
1 ≤ n ≤ 1500
1 ≤ value ≤ 10000
0 ≤ rate ≤ 100
10 10
50 100
100 80
6 100

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