  • 5

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



In this game you have to extinguish the fire while saving as many squares in the forest as possible.


As for episode 1, you operate on a 10x10 square map.
At each turn, your program receives the map of the forest and the state of each square. But now you also get the position of your fire trucks every turn.
Based on this data, your program must determine an action for each fire truck.
As in previous episode, under certain circumstances, as described below, fires spread to neighbouring squares.
To win you must put out all the fires, while limiting the number of squares burned to a maximum given to you in the variable maxBurnedForest.

The map

In this episode, we introduce the water square. Each of the 10 lines of the map is given to you by a string. Each character represents a cell of the map.
. represents an empty square with no forest. It cannot burn.
~ represents a water square. It cannot catch fire and trucks cannot go in it.
^ represents a forest square.
* represents a burned forest square. It can no longer catch fire.
1, 2 or 3 represents a forest square on fire. The value corresponds to the development level of the fire.

The spread of fire

Fire on a square can have 3 levels of development and, unless fought, evolves as such:
  • fires grow by one level per turn,
  • except for level 3 fires which, on the next turn, turn into burned forest squares and spread the fire to their 4 neighbouring squares (N/S/E/W) if
    • the neighbouring square is a forest square, not burned,
    • there is not already a fire on this square,
    • the square is not occupied by a truck.
    The fire on these neighbouring squares starts at level 1.

Fighting fire

Once per turn you have to indicate the action for each of your fire trucks, among:
  • WAIT to leave the truck stationary and inactive,
  • MOVE followed by one of the 4 directions N S E W to move the truck one square in the chosen direction,
  • FIGHT followed by one of the 8 directions N S E W NE SE NW SW to fight fire from one of the 8 squares adjacent to the truck.
Some additional rules apply to trucks:
  • Two trucks cannot be on the same.
  • A truck may not move to a burning square.
  • It also cannot go to a water square.
  • A truck protects the square it occupies from fire. In the event that it moves, it is its arrival square that is protected.
  • When a truck fights fire on a neighboring square with the FIGHT, then the fire on that square is immediately extinguished and does not spread to neighboring squares.

Sequence of actions

In each turn, the game follows the following actions, in this order
  1. Moving fire trucks (action MOVE).
  2. Extinguishing fire on squares fought by trucks (action FIGHT).
  3. Evolution of the remaining fires (1>>2, 2>>3, 3>>burned)
  4. Spread of fire around the squares that have just been burned

Winning and losing

You lose if
  • you do not send instructions to each of the trucks within the time limit,
  • the number of squares burned exceeds the maximum indicated in maxBurnedForest
Victory conditions
You win when there are no active fires left on the map and the number of burned forest squares remains below maxBurnedForest.

  Game Input

Initialization input
2 integers nbTrucks maxBurnedForest representing the number of trucks you have to manage and the maximum number of forest squares burned that you are allowed.

Input for a game round
10 rows row representing the map of the forest and its active fires
nbTrucks rows X Y representing the coordinates of each truck
nbTrucks rows which indicates the action for each truck: WAIT or MOVE N S E W or FIGHT N S E W NE SE NW SW

Allotted response time to output is ≤ 1000 milliseconds.

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