  • 9

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You have to parse the CGX file format (see CGX Formatter for details) to evaluate an expression.
The CGX file contains a BLOCK with 2 KEY_VALUE fields: result and optionally vars.
The result BLOCK contains the variable whose final value should be calculated and returned as output, while the vars BLOCK contains a list of the intermediate variables.
Each variable (a KEY_VALUE) has a value that is an expression.
An expression could be:
- a constant value PRIMITIVE_TYPE int,
e.g. ('v1'=10)

- if the expression is a PRIMITIVE_TYPE str, then it is a variable name,
e.g. ('v1'='v2')

- a BLOCK with 3 KEY_VALUE num1 , num2 and an operator: + - / *,
e.g. ('num1'=expression;'num2'='v2';'operator'='+') 

is the value of the variable v2 plus the value of the expression.
The order ('num1';'num2';'operator') is not guaranteed, any arrangements are possible, ex: ('num1';'operator';'num2'), ...

- a fraction BLOCK in the form ('numerator'=expression;'denominator'=expression),
e.g. ('numerator'=1;'denominator'=2) is 1/2.

The computations must be carried out in exact fractional form, in the lowest terms. e.g. 5/9+7/9=4/3.
Line 1: The number N of CGX lines.
The N following lines: The CGX content.
The result of the expression in the KEY_VALUE 'result'.
-2^63<=numerator and denominator <=2^63
The CGX content supplied will always be valid.
Each line contains maximum 1000 characters.
All the characters are ASCII.
A KEY_VALUE 'result' will always be present.
The 'result' is always a number (integer or fraction).
The 'vars' BLOCK could be present if necessary.
There are no circular references.

A higher resolution is required to access the IDE