  • 306

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



Each Friday, you play the famous 'Fix your Dungeon' RPG with friends. You'd like to optimize your character: you need to know the probability of success of each test involving dice throws.

Your program takes in input an expression (possibly with dice throws) and must print all possible outcomes along with their probabilities.

The expression is an arithmetic expression with parentheses and the following operators, from highest to lowest precedence:
* multiplication
+ and - addition and subtraction
> greater-than comparison: evaluates to 1 if true, 0 if false

The operands are one of:
n: a decimal positive integer
dn: a 'd' followed by a strict positive number, representing a die throw from 1 to n by a uniform distribution

Examples of expressions:
3*2+5 evaluates to 11
d6: evaluates to an integer from 1 to 6, uniform
d6+d6: represents a double-dice throw
5>2: evaluates to 1
A unique line containing the input expression.
The expression contains no spaces.
N lines: an integer (outcome), a space and a float (percent probability of this outcome)

Outcomes are sorted in ascending order.
Floats are formatted with 2 decimal figures, rounded.
The inputs are all valid expressions: no error handling is needed.
Maximum length of expression: 100 chars
3 25.00
4 25.00
5 25.00
6 25.00

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