  • 57

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You are given n_imp lines, each representing a library import in python style. Then, n_dep lines for the dependencies between libraries. Then, step by step you have to:

(1) Assess if the code will run successfully as it is. If so, print Compiled successfully! and exit.

(2) If the code doesn't run successfully, find where the first* error is located, print the line Import error: tried to import library1 but library2 is required., and finally:

(2.1) If it can be fixed by reordering the imports, find the only order such that at any time, among the possible importable libraries, the smallest (lexicographically) module is chosen.
The format will be, the line: Suggest to change import order:, and then, for each library to import in the suggested order, the line import library (similar to the input imports).

(2.2) If the error is not salvageable return the message Fatal error: interdependencies..

* The imaginary compiler will import the libraries in the order that they are given by the puzzle until it finds one that requires a library that was not previously imported.
Line 1: An integer n_imp for the number of libraries to import.
Next n_imp lines: A python-like declaration for a library import.
Next line: An integer n_dep for the number of dependency relation between libraries.
Next n_dep lines: A string representing a dependency relation between libraries.

A dependency relation is given in the format:
library requires library1 [, library2, library3 ... ]
The compilation log as defined in the statement, one log message per line.
1 ≤ Total amount of dependencies ≤ 200.
import A
import B
import C
B requires A
C requires B
Compiled successfully!

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