
A bit of post-modern C++ refactoring


Handling invalid secrets

Currently, ClickUrl and Stats do not complain when receiving invalid urls. We can assume they have a precondition: only well-formed urls are admitted. That is, we can assume the input has always this form:


Suppose dispatching is done at a higher level and ClickUrl and Stats are only called when the url has this form.

On the other hand, only MicroUrlService is able to turn SECRET into an ID and then return the original associated url.

At the moment, ClickUrl and Stats do not complain if SECRET hides an unknown ID.

How to report such errors?

In C++ there are too many ways to manage errors that it's very hard to state which is better. As always, each comes with tradeoffs, pros and cons. Traditional ways include:

  • exceptions
  • error codes
  • bool flags
  • error listeners/receivers (similar to visitors)

I will not compare those, instead I'd like to introduce you another way to handle failures coming from the algebraic data type system.


Being a hit for many years (in C++ - e.g. boost - and in other languages/paradigms), C++ has recently (C++17) welcomed on bord std::optional, a value that may or may not be present. In other words, optional is like a "typed" box: it either contains or not contain a value T. We can ask the box if it contains an instance of T and, if so, we can retrieve it.

If an optional<T> contains a value, the value is guaranteed to be allocated as part of the optional object footprint (no dynamic memory allocation ever takes place).

optional<T> is a common construct in other languages (e.g. C# has T?, Haskell has Maybe, etc) so it's worth knowing it. Optional types come from functional programming and are monads (e.g. chainable).

A common use case for optional is the return value of a function that may fail. As opposed to other approaches, such as std::pair<T,bool>, optional handles expensive-to-construct objects well and is more readable, as the intent is expressed explicitly.

Another use case for optional is the lazy construction of objects. Other approaches, such as smart pointers, usually require dynamic allocation or being able to model a null state (like an empty string).


Classical example:

std::optional<int> try_parse_int(const std::string& s)
    //try to parse an int from the given string,
    //and return "nothing" if you fail

Optional arguments:

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> search(
    std::string query,
    std::optional<int> max_count,
    std::optional<double> min_match_score);

Optional references

Does it optional<T&> make sense? It might, but it's not allowed in C++17.

Suppose we want to look up an entry into a certain data store:

? find(const Key& key);

A good choice could be returning std::optional<Value&> to avoid copying Value, instead of using pointers (our intent would be much clearer). A commond workaround consists in using reference_wrapper we met some time ago:

optional<reference_wrapper<Value>> find(const Key& key);
// or
optional<reference_wrapper<const Value>> find(const Key& key);

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Hands on!

Mark, head of IT Security Department at Gugol, asked your team to make ClickUrl and Stats more defensive by handling unknown SECRETs.

Your team has discussed a bit and decided to handle failures with optional. The signatures have been already acommodated, complete the bodies and make the test pass:

Handling invalid urls with optional

Bonus: optional chain

optional becomes much more powerful when it is used in composition, as its characteristics allow for pipelines to be created which don't need to explicitly handle errors at each step.

The simplest way to chain optional is defining an operator like:

template<typename T, typename F>
auto operator||(std::optional<T> opt, F f)
	return opt ? f(opt.value()) : std::nullopt;

This enables chaining:

auto value = 
    || Compile
    || Optimize
    || Evaluate).value_or(NAN);

Each stage of the pipeline is executed only if the previous has returned a good value (not nullopt) and has to return an instance of optional. The latter can be inconvenient:

        Parse // return optional<string>
        || [](const string& s) { return s.substr(0, 3); } // suppose cannot fail

Instead, we have to write:

        || [](const string& s) { return optional<string>{s.substr(0, 3)}; } 

It's possible to tweak a bit operator|| to make the first snippet work:

template<typename T>
auto wrap(std::optional<T> opt)
	return opt;

template<typename T>
auto wrap(T value)
	return std::optional<T>(value);

template<typename T, typename F>
auto operator||(std::optional<T> opt, F f)
	return opt ? wrap(f, opt.value()) : std::nullopt;

Add chaining to your code above and adapt your functions.

Bonus: syntactic sugar

An intern got excited about such monadic nature of optional but she would love passing member variables and functions, like in this snippet:

	MakeUrlInfo // might return UrlInfo
	|| &UrlInfo::OriginalUrl; // <-- instead of [](const UrlInfo& url) { return url.OriginalUrl; };

Can you impress her by accommodating such request?

Do you really give up? :(

The trick consists in using std::invoke:

template<typename T, typename F>
auto operator||(std::optional<T> opt, F f)
	return opt ? wrap(std::invoke(f, opt.value())) : std::nullopt;

std::invoke is a little gem from C++17 enabling generic invocation of callables. It works smoothly with member variables and functions too.

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