



Determine the age of a tree by counting the number of rings in a horizontal cross-section of its trunk.

You are presented with a 10×N grid representing a cross-section of a tree.

Every year, the tree alternates between a phase of rapid and slow growth depending on the season.

To compute the age of the tree, count the number of transitions between a cycle of rapid grow (line of 0), and slow growth (a line of 1).

A few considerations:

- There is an arbitrary number of lines per cycle.

- The tree trunk is not perfect and you must expect to see errors (i.e a 0 instead of 1 or vice-versa) or unwanted particles (represented by any other printable character).

- However, on any given line there will always be 10 characters, and less errors than valid characters.

Here is an example:

The age of this tree is 2 years since there are 2 transitions.
Line 1: An integer N representing the height of the grid
Next N lines: Lines of 10 characters representing a section of the tree trunk
An integer representing the age of the tree
0 < N ≤ 1000

Game modes
Fastest, Shortest

Test cases
Simple case Test
2 0000000000 1111111111

Validator 1 Validator
2 1111111111 0000000000

Variable length Test
5 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 1111111111 1111111111

Validator 2 Validator
5 0000000000 0000000000 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111

Errors Test
8 1000000000 1000000000 1111111110 0111111111 1111000000 0000001111 1111111111 1000000000

Validator 3 Validator
8 1111000000 0000001111 1111111110 0111111111 0000000001 1000000000 1111111111 1111000000

More Errors Test
6 #000000000 000000000# 1101110111 00000!0000 0000000000 111111111#

Validator 4 Validator
8 L000000000 110000000L 1111111111 00000!0000 %000000000 1L1111111# ####000000 0000000!!!

Very dirty trunk Test
9 ####000000 !0!0!0!000 1111111111 AZER111111 QWER111111 000000LKLZ Y1Y1Y1Y111 1111000000 1111111111

Validator 5 Validator
9 1111111111 ;;;;000000 WXYZ111111 ABCD111111 000000LYLY N1N1N1N111 1111000000 1111111111 K0K0K0K000

Very old tree Test
603 *111111111 111*111111 21V11+1111 111116111Y 1111111111 100U0I0*01 1000&00001 1111SN1111 1111111111 11S1\11O1Q 000))#000D 00000,0P00 000000%000 1111211111 000000000E 0000000000 00000V0000 000000#002 111(#11),1 161111111# 1111,1111Z 11111111*1 1111111111 00H0500000 0I00804000 000UV000X0 0C0$0,0I00 1111111111 11191'1111 0000000&00 000000000& O0000M00O0 Z1B11211-1 1111111111 1111000000 11!111W11R 1111-1N111 1111111111 1111111111 0000000000 0000000000 &00000A00/ Y000000000 1111!"1G11 1111>11111 1111111M11 0000000000 0000000000 00000C!000 11R1111111 111EL91111 91T1(11U11 1?11+11&11 00$000000# 000W000NV0 11?112&111 1111111111 Z11P11C'11 1;11111111 111.=11B11 0000[A1000 00*:0\X000 000\00"000 1[11111111 1N1111<191 0000000000 1111I-S1U1 111111)111 1111111111 1#11"111@1 000000000> Q0;000Q00R :Q11111%11 N111211H:1 W11M11:111 1-11X%111X 0Z0,,00$00 00OW000A0@ "000B0000V 0000000000 1L1111'111 B11;11:.11 111"11U1U' ("000000V, 0000000000 00000000/0 0000000000 L000000000 11111R11)[ 11[01111=1 11110111ZQ 11&1111111 0000000000 1V1K111121 F11111=&41 111111X121 0220O00J00 1000000000 000T000000 00000000!0 000Y0100$0 114,11E1%1 000000A000 00C0000000 <00,W0000L 00000000K0 1(11511+1C 000!0000W0 0NK000000I 0000000000 0.00000)S0 1111111111 1Y11111111 111)11111S 0000000000 0000000000 500000+000 000+0X=00P 1111111111 1111Y11#31 N(1111Q311 0000-00K00 100L0L000J 11111111U1 +112111111 0000000000 0000000000 000000Y0D0 111111O111 11111C)111 1111111V11 0000%00000 ,000000L0N 0Z00000000 0000000000 1111T11111 1111111111 00"0000000 008000\0## 0082005003 05L00N0000 1111111111 11@51111R1 1111111111 >!00000000 -00D00'0K0 00>0000000 11111#11Z9 000K;W000X 0000000S00 0000000000 11R1UZ111R 1111111111 00W0N00000 000[000000 000?0000A0 00000000X0 11!O111S11 1111=1K/11 11$1111111 000V000A00 0600000F&0 0000000000 0000G00000 000,000000 11B16U1111 11>!1111MT 1N11111101 111!111111 111G11111D 0B00000070 1111$11H11 51O1131111 0'Z(000000 000000000+ *0H0600'00 0000000000 1111111111 61111111A1 11U1111%11 1111111111 1111111111 0,00N0000> 0000\BE000 0!0000000G )111611111 :11111A@1: 0000000000 0000D(00-0 008000$000 1/111K1BI1 111A111111 1N1111111W 0E000F000G 000000:)00 00\0900:00 0000000000 1111111T1! 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Validator 6 Validator
602 0111111111 0000000$00 11111O1(11 300600[060 &9OD000000 "00O0000EW 000000U000 1111111111 1M111:11FQ ?00)0S0000 000000[0>0 0000!0E000 0:0S000000 C11'11[11O 1111111111 111/V111M2 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0200001.0) 11\1111111 1111111<11 1111000000 11H1111J+W 1@11311111 6111=11JO1 0(00>0$000 00000%0000 1N11111111 1111111111 000000000X 0IH0(000T0 [000000I09 1111111N1[ 11$1111111 11111111Z1 111C0D111# >,S111111. 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Trap Test
12 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111

Validator 7 Validator
16 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000

Solution language


Stub generator input