
Mean Max

7,513 CodinGamers have registered to this contest

The contest is over!

Win prizes
1st Place
Samsung Home Cinema
2nd Place
Mad Max Anthology DVD
3rd Place
Mad Max (Steam key)
Win your T-Shirt
1st to 20th in global ranking
Welcome to the first Community Contest!
What if CodinGamers could create their own contest? For the first time in the history of the platform, the next event will be entirely crafted by some of the most trusted and respected players of our community.

For more than 3 months, Magus, reCurse, pb4 and Agade have been working together to craft an interesting and challenging game. Magus has taken the role of lead developer, and the three others assist him as much they can. Development is nearly finished. They are currently testing the game and polishing the rules.

Stay tuned!