
A bit of post-modern C++ refactoring


Structure bindings and tuple tricks


A fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values. Basically, the vocabulary type for structured values.

tuple<string, int, bool> nameAgeChecked = {"marco", 30, true};

tuples are powerful for giving the same generic interface to structured data. Sometimes you can just wrap data into tuples and operate on them in a uniform way.

Structure Bindings

C++17 introduces the possibility to decompose tuple-like objects into references to their componenents:

tuple<int, int, string> make();
auto [a, b, c] = make();

/* merely equivalent to:
auto __tmp = make();
auto& a = get<0>(__tmp);
auto& b = get<1>(__tmp);
auto& c = get<2>(__tmp);

It works with destructurable types:

  • tuple-like types
  • arrays
  • public data members

For instance:

array<int, 2> arr = {1, 2};
auto [a, b] = arr;

/* merely equivalent to:
auto __tmp = arr;
auto& a = __tmp [0]; // get<0>(__tmp )
auto& b = __tmp [1]; // get<1>(__tmp )


struct Rgb
    int r, g, b;
    float alpha;

Rgb rgb = ...;
auto [r, g, b, a] = rgb;

More specifically, a type is destructurable if:

  • either all non-static data members:
    • must be public
    • must be direct members of the type or members of the same public base class of the type
    • Cannot be anonymous unions
  • or, it has:
    • an obj.get<>() method or an ADL-able get<>(obj) overload
    • specializations of std::tuple_size<> and std::tuple_element<>

Important detail: The portion of the declaration preceding [ applies to the hidden variable e, not to the introduced identifiers.

int a = 1, b = 2;
const auto& [x, y] = std::tie(a, b); // x and y are of type int&
auto [z, w] = std::tie(a, b);        // z and w are still of type int&
assert(&z == &a);                    // passes

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std::tie idiom

We have met structured bindings and understood how it works, more or less. Before putting our hands on the code, let's meet another important tool of post-modern C++: std::tie.

std::tie is a function which creates a std::tuple of references to the parameters we pass it:

tuple<int, int, int, float> ReadRGBA();

int r, g, b;
float a;
tie(r, g, b, a) = ReadRGBA(); // r, g, b, a are assigned

The example above is a compact way to assign multiple values from an expression. As you can imagine, this is really similar to structured bindings but it covers the case when we already have variables and we just want to assign them.

In addition, we can std::ignore uninteresting fields:

int r, g, b;
tie(r, g, b, std::ignore) = ReadRGBA(); // I don't need alpha

In general, std::tie is useful when we need to create a light tuple on the fly and use tuple's capabilities.

A common idiom consists in implementing lexicographical comparison:

struct S 
    int n;
    std::string s;
    float d;
    bool operator<(const S& rhs) const
        // compares n to rhs.n,
        // then s to rhs.s,
        // then d to rhs.d
        return std::tie(n, s, d) < std::tie(rhs.n, rhs.s, rhs.d);

This very effective idiom could save time and make the code simpler. Try writing the same by hand and compare the result with the snippet above.

Hands on!

Let's get familiar with these post-modern C++ concepts.

Your collegue Pete is obsessed with making tests clearer and more compact, and you have decided to support his cause by applying structured bindings to a working test.

You have a pending refactoring. It's time to get back and finish your work:

Use structure bindings

A very important client of our company is asking a new feature: she wants to sort shortened urls in some way. Can you implement a simple operator< for this purpose?

operator< made easy with std::tie
Do you really give up? :(

Using structure bindings on UrlInfoTest.cpp:

	auto[original, micro, clicks] = service.Stats(microUrl.c_str());
	REQUIRE (original == urlToShorten);
	REQUIRE (micro == microUrl);
	REQUIRE (initStat == 0);
	REQUIRE (original == service.ClickUrl(microUrl.c_str()));
	REQUIRE (original == service.ClickUrl(microUrl.c_str()));
	auto[original, micro, clicks] = service.Stats(microUrl.c_str());
	auto[original, micro, clicks] = service.Stats(microUrl.c_str());
	REQUIRE (clicks == 2);

It's a pity we cannot just std::ignore a field, isn't it?

Here is how to implement operator< by leveraging std::tie:

inline auto AsTuple(const UrlInfo& info)
	return std::tie(info.OriginalUrl, info.MicroUrl, info.Clicks);

inline bool operator<(const UrlInfo& left, const UrlInfo& right)
	return AsTuple(left) < AsTuple(right);
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