
JavaScript, async and await keywords


As you should already know, a promise can be rejected. So you should ask yourself: How do we deal with a rejected promise when using async and await ? If you remember the playground on promises, you learned this:

You can use the promise's catch like a normal catch. And everything is simple to understand. Keep in mind that a then callback can crash. It can throw an error (with an explicit throw or by trying to access a property of a null variable). The catch method will also catch these crashes. Repeat to yourself: the promise's catch method is like a normal catch.

So, what is the most natural way to handle an error when using async and await ? Yes, you have it. Use a simple try { ... } catch (error) { ... }. Look at the following example:

Error handling example

If you want to return a rejected promise in an async function, you just have to throw an error. Look at this example:

Return a rejected promise
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