
Run extension

The run extension allows lessons to contain interactive code sections in which the user can modify and run the associated source code.

This code section can contains multiple source file stubs. This extension also allows the writer of the playground to define the command that will be sent to an associated code runner. (See Runner Reference Documentation for more details)

Simple Example

The following code snippet:

@[Hello World Example]({"stubs": [""], "command": "javac && java HelloWorld"})

will generate an interactive code section

Run syntax

The Run command is composed of 2 elements

  • A label surrounded by square brackets [ ] and prefixed by the @ token.
  • A JSON object defining all the command parameters, surrounded by parenthesis ( ).

Run JSON parameter

The JSON parameter is a map with the following keys/values:

    List all the file paths that should be used for the default displayed stubs.
    The syntax highlighter format is detected from the stub file extension.
    type: Array of String [MANDATORY]
  "stubs": ["path/to/file1.cpp", "/path/to/file2.html"],
    A command that is sent as parameter of the project runner entry point. For instance, it can
    be a unix command if the entry point is a bash interpreter. It can also be
    the name of a test case in case of a unit test runner.
    type: String [MANDATORY]
  "command": "javac && java HelloWorld",
    Name of the associated project.    
    (Defined in techio.yml).
    The project defines the name of the Docker image used as a Runner (name:version).
    Remember, by default, your project is mounted in /project/target.
    type: String
    default value: The first project defined in techio.yml
  "project": "myproject"

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