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Use Interfaces, Luke

Without a doubt, the Object-Oriented paradigm contributed to the diffusion of C++ in the industry in the early 90s.

The concept of Interface is one of the pillars of object orientation. An interface is, simply, a description of the actions that an object can do.

C++ does not really have a built-in support for interfaces like Java or C#. A way to declare an interface in C++ constists in declaring an abstract class with pure virtual functions:

class Interface
    virtual void func() = 0;

However, this suffers of undefined behavior in case of polymorphic deletion:

Interface* base = new Concrete(); // pointer to base class
delete base; // undefined behavior if Interface's destructor is not virtual

So the canonical way to create an interface in C++ is to give it a defaulted virtual destructor:

class Interface
    virtual ~Interface() = default;
    virtual void func() = 0;

What if you do not want to "pay" a virtual call on destruction?

Many years ago, Herb Sutter elaborated the following guideline:

A base class destructor should be either public and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual.

Thus, we could have:

class Interface
    ~Interface() = default;
    virtual void func() = 0;

This makes polymorphic deletion not compile.

Anyway, when in doubt, the most common and flexible way to declare an interface in C++ consists in declaring a defaulted virtual destructor:

class Interface
    virtual ~Interface() = default;
    virtual void func() = 0;

As you learned from the previous section, declaring a defaulted virtual destructor is a violation of the rule of zero since Interface does not deal with ownership. This is one rare exception - shared_ptr may help here (read on).

Actually, since C++11, the generation of the implicitly-defined copy constructor is deprecated if a class a user-defined destructor or user-defined copy assignment operator. So relying on an implicitly generated copy operation in a class with a destructor is deprecated.

For this reason, even though it's probably paranoia, the most futurable way to declare an interface in C++ consists in =default-ing all the special operators:

class Interface
    virtual ~Interface() = default;
    Interface(const Interface&) = default;
    Interface(Interface&&) = default;
    Interface& operator=(const Interface&) = default;
    Interface& operator=(Interface&&) = default;
    virtual void func() = 0;

This is commonly called (defaulted) Rule of Five.

Rule of Five, slices and clones

This section does not really concern interfaces but only stateful polymorphic bases.

As we said, according to the language rules, declaring a virtual destructor prevents move operators from being automatically generated and deprecates the generation of copy operators. This should not be a problem for interfaces because they should never contain any data, even though we should not rely on copies because they are deprecated. For instance:

class Derived : public Interface
    void func() override;
    std::vector<State> m_spam; // data in derived class

Derived d1;
// this copies the *base* part and moves m_spam
auto d2 = move(d1);

In general, for (stateful) polymorphic bases, this can be an issue so we can apply the rule of five.

There is now another potential issue.

If any polymorphic class declared with the rule of five is accidentally passed by value, slicing happens: only the base portion of a derived object will be copied, and the polymorphic behavior will be corrupted.

class Derived : public Interface
    void func() override;
    // ...

void f(Interface& b) 
    auto b2 = b; // slicing

Derived d;

For this reason, many people prefer =delete-ing special operators of base classes:

class Interface 
    Interface() = default;
    virtual ~Interface() = default;
    Interface(const Interface&) = delete;
    Interface& operator=(const Interface&) = delete;
    Interface(Interface&&) = delete;
    Interface& operator=(Interface&&) = delete;
    virtual void func() = 0;
    // ...

void f(Interface& b) 
    auto b2 = b; // does not compile

Derived d;

It's clearly a tradeoff because the code above makes derived instances not copyable nor movable.

However, for making deep copies of polymorphic classes we prefer a virtual clone function instead of copy construction/assignment. Continue reading the guideline C.130 for more details.

Continue Reading:

shared_ptr does some magic

We realized that declaring any destructor - whether public virtual or protected non-virtual - will violate the rule of zero.

Is there any way to both obey the rule of zero and avoid undefined behavior?

There is but it's really fragile because it relies on how our interface will be used.

Consider this base class:

class Animal
    virtual void move() = 0;

This works as you expect and it is not affected by UB:

shared_ptr<Animal> obj { new Dog() };

When shared_ptr<Animal> is constructed, its constructor deduces Dog and it builds a deleter which knows which destructor should be called. The contraption used internally si called type erasure and it's a generic programming technique. It's beyond the scope of the workshop.

Type erasure introduces some cost, which is why unique_ptr that does not provide such "magic" deletion.

Continue Reading:

Enforce overriden functions with override

Since C++11, we can enforce that a derived class overrides a base function by using override:

class Derived : public Interface
    void func() override;

This is very expressive. For non-abstract class, this prevents errors like:

class Base
    virtual void func1();
    virtual void func2();

class Derived
    void Func1(); // capital 'F'

The code compiled although Derived is not really overriding Base::func1. On the other hand:

class Derived
    void Func1() override;

This does not compile.

Use override as much as possible (many refactoring tools will automatically do).

Hands on!

In the dusty corners of MicroUrl, you have found IIdGenerator.h that is probably an old attempt that a former developer did to extract the id generation concept into an interface.

It's time to fulfill such effort and complete the job!

You tasks:

  • Review IIdGenerator
  • Make DbIdGenerator implement IIdGenerator
  • Make MicroUrlService use IIdGenerator instead of DbIdGenerator
  • Make possible to inject an IIdGenerator into MicroUrlService (you will find a new constructor to accommodate)

Let's go:

Use interfaces, Luke!
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