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Lifetime patterns

A great C++ comes with great responsibility.

Marco Arena.

In C++, we have control. Maybe too much control.

We can define when objects are created and destroyed, we can craft precise rules for copying and "moving" data around. We can even do nothing and let the language rules do the job for us. In general, this latter choice is the desideratum.

By default, C++ objects have automatic lifetime, that is, they are destructed and deallocated automatically when they go out of scope - even though an exception is thrown:

	int i;
	cin >> i;
	// ... exceptions possible ...
} // i deallocated here

	Foo foo; // constructor
	// ... exceptions possible ...
} // foo destructed and deallocated here

On the other hand, other kind of semantics need explicit syntax:

int i = 10;
int& iref = i; // reference semantics

How to allocate resources dynamically (e.g. we do not know the size of an array at compile-time)?

Pointers Headache

To instantiate resources dynamically, the language provides operators which return pointers to heap-allocated resources:

int* arr = new int[10]{}; // dynamic buffer
// in case of exceptions... :(
delete [] arr;

Pointers are cheap but at the same time very messy and error-prone. Apart from problems such as memory leaks, let's see another issue: could you unmistakably answer to these questions about the following function?

void Func(int* p)
  1. should Func delete p?
  2. can p be null?
  3. is p referring to a single instance or an array?
  4. is p an out parameter?

Pointers can be misused especially because their syntax is tied with more than one semantics. As we have just seen, a pointer can reference either one or many instances of a certain type. A pointer can either be null or not. Also, at first sight, we do not know about the ownership of a resource referenced by a pointer.

However, pointers are what the language provide to create and pass around dynamically-allocated objects.

Since dynamic lifetime does not obey to automatic lifetime rules, ownership is more cumbersome and error-prone. In practical terms, in C++ we give ownership of any heap-allocated resource to a stack-allocated object whose destructor contains the code to delete or free the resource and also any associated cleanup code. This way we turn dynamic lifetime into automatic lifetime, more or less.

This simple rule is a fundamental C++ lifetime idiom called RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization:

struct Handler
	Handler(resource* res)
	    : m_res(res)
	    delete m_res;
	void Use()
	    // ...
	    // use m_res...
    resource* m_res;

    Handler h( InitResource() );
} // the resource is released here

The main goal of this idiom is to ensure that resource acquisition occurs at the same time that the object is initialized, so that all resources for the object are created and made ready in one line of code.

Rule of Zero

Classes that have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignment operators should deal exclusively with ownership (which follows from the Single Responsibility Principle). Other classes should not have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignment operators.

Generally, we never work explicitly with lifetime code but we use general-purpose or ad hoc stack-allocated levels of indirection. For instance, we use containers - even not standard - to manage data structures or file handlers to manage access to filesystem.

Such proxies (or give them another name you like) have some well-known lifetime semantics, that is generally tied with copy and move operators. For example, std::vector can be fully copied into another instance. On the other hand, std::thread cannot be copied but only moved because the ownership of threads is unique.

Applying the rule of zero is like a quest for liberation: we make our business-code classes free from any ownership responsibility. So the question is: how do we handle dynamic resources without explicit constructs?

For the rest of this section, we'll learn how to use standard general-purpose tools for dynamic lifetime management that will help adopt the rule of zero.

A glimpse of Smart Pointers

If you feel you need to use pointers (first consider if you really do), you would normally want to use a smart pointer as this can alleviate many of the problems with raw pointers, mainly forgetting to delete the object and leaking memory.

A smart pointer is just a wrapper that behaves like a pointer but defines a clear ownership policy as to when the object is destroyed and copied/moved.

Smart pointers are allocated on the stack and passed around as normal objects.

The C++ standard library provides 3 smart pointers:

Clearly, those are general-purpose tools that 98% of time cover our needs. The rest 2% is when we need more and we should implement our own smart pointer or wrapper. The guideline is just: do not handle dynamic resources by hand but invest on your support library.

The simplest smart pointer that should be preferred by default is unique_ptr, defining a clear unique ownership policy that means: the resource will be only owned by that smart pointer:

unique_ptr<Resource> handle = Acquire();
// use handle
// ...throw exception...
// released automatically at the end of the scope - although an exception has been thrown

The code above would have leaked with raw pointers.

unique_ptr can't be copied, since it models a unique ownership model:

unique_ptr<Resource> handle = Acquire();
auto copied = handle; // does not compile

Instead, unique_ptr can transfer ownership by std::moving:

unique_ptr<Resource> handle = Acquire();
// ...
auto newOwner = std::move(handle);
// handle wraps nullptr here
// newOwner owns the resource here

shared_ptr models a simultaneous (shared) ownership policy, meaning that a resource can have multiple owners. As long as an owner is alive, so is the resource:

shared_ptr<Resource> owner1 = Acquire();
    auto owner2 = owner1;
    // 2 owners here
        auto owner3 = owner2;
        // 3 owners here
    // 2 owners here
// 1 owner here

// imagine  owner1 goes out of scope: the resource is finally released

shared_ptr works by reference counting active owners. This, clearly, introduces some overhead.

weak_ptr is a smart pointer that holds a non-owning (weak) reference to an object that is managed by shared_ptr. It must be converted to shared_ptr in order to access the referenced object.

weak_ptr models temporary ownership: when an object needs to be accessed only if it exists, and it may be deleted at any time by someone else, weak_ptr is used to track the object, and it is converted to shared_ptr to assume temporary ownership. If the original shared_ptr is destroyed at this time, the object's lifetime is extended until the temporary shared_ptr is destroyed as well.

Smart pointers are general-purpose tools. If they do not fit your scenario, write your own! You have control to do it. But remember to be "responsible"!

Scope Guard

We conclude this section by recalling a classic idiom that is a general-purpose finalizer: an operation always executed at the end of the scope.

The idea is to have a handy class providing a customizable destructor and that can be created inline.

With the advent of lambdas - that we'll see later - and C++17 automatic deduction of class templates this has been dramatically simplified:

template<typename F>
struct finalize : F
    finalize(F f) : F(f) {}


// business code:

	finalize f{[]{cout << "hello"; }};
	// some code
	// ...
} // "hello" printed here

Although this is a trivial implementation (see a possible issue here), it's acceptable in lots of real scenarios.

As for lambdas, this idiom is useful when you need anonymous and disposable finalization code.

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Hands on!

You've just learnt how good smart pointers are and you want to impress your boss by using them in MicroUrl.

It seems there is a really good fit for unique_ptr: MicroUrlService is manually managing m_idGenerator's lifetime. You have to use std::unique_ptr<IIdGenerator> instead:

Replace manual resource managing with unique_ptr

Bonus: using smart pointers with incomplete types

Undefined behavior can occur when you have an incomplete type and you call delete on it:

class A; // class forwarding
A* a = ...;
delete a;

The above is legal code. It will compile. Your compiler may or may not emit a warning for above code like the above. When it executes, bad things will probably happen. If you're very lucky your program will crash. However a more probable outcome is that your program will silently leak memory as ~A() won't be called.

Using smart pointers, when it is necessary to have a complete type, you get a compile-time error if you try to use the smart pointer with an incomplete type at that point. If we have this scenario:

class DbIdGenerator; // class forwarding

class MicroUrlService
    unique_ptr<DbIdGenerator> m_idGenerator;

MicroUrlService will win an automatically-generated destructor, that is inline (e.g. its body is generated in the header file) and then will require to know how to destroy DbIdGenerator. For this reason we have, at least, to declare a destructor:

class DbIdGenerator; // class forwarding

class MicroUrlService
    ~MicroUrlService() // <-- declared by us
    unique_ptr<DbIdGenerator> m_idGenerator;

This way the compiler will just pass on. On the cpp file we can just default the implementation:

DbIdGenerator::~DbIdGenerator() = default;

This is a powerful idiom to remember.

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