
The best C++ programmer can adapt on any style


A functional touch

Post-modern C++ programmers master more than one paradigm and, without a doubt, functional paradigm is one to know.

We cannot really cover functional programming in C++, it would need more than a workshop! However, we could introduce a few interesting concepts and try them out.

Actually, we have already met some functional concepts - Algebraic Data Types and tuples - in a previous section. For example, apart from pattern matching, tuples are extensively used in functional programming for packing, currying, binding and passing parameters to functions.

Anyway, this section is about something else.

Lambdas, lambdas everywhere

Lambdas, lambdas everywhere

C++11 introduced lambda expressions (often called lambdas) that are, basically, nested anonymous functions:

  • nested because we generally create them inside another function,
  • anonymous because their type and name is automatically generated by the compiler.

Typically, lambdas are used to encapsulate a few lines of code that are passed to algorithms or asynchronous methods:

vector<int> v = {10, 20, 30, 41, 50, 67};
auto firstOdd = std::find(begin(v), end(v), [](int i) { return i%2 == 1; });

This expression [](int i) { return i%2 == 1; } generates a lambda.

C++ lambdas come with some details to master. I'll show you the most important ones and leave the others to further readings.

What a lambda is, in short

Basically, a lambda will result in generating a callable object (or functor, in the C++ slang).

For this lambda:

[](int i) { return i%2 == 1; }

the compiler could generate something very close to:

struct lambda12384950_t
    bool operator()(int i) const
        return i%2 == 1;
} lambda12384950;

Such lambdas are stateless and they are automatically convertible to function pointers:

using FunPtr = bool(*)(int);

FunPtr ptr = [](int i) { return i%2 == 1; };

This kind of lambdas is comparable to creating static strings:

int main()
    auto someString = "this is a string";
    cout << someString;

In this case:

[](auto i) { return i%2 == 1; }

The call operator is templatized:

struct lambda12384950_t
    template<typename T>
    bool operator()(T i) const
        return i%2 == 1;

As you will learn in a moment, lambdas can capture variables in outer and global scopes, becoming stateful:

vector<int> prices = {1,2,3};
auto isInPrices = [v](int i) { return find(begin(v), end(v), i) != end(v); };

The lambda above may be turned into:

struct lambda12384950_t
    lambda12384950_t(const vector<int>& field)
        : _private_field_1(field)

    bool operator()(T i) const
        return find(begin(_private_field_1), end(_private_field_1), i) != end(_private_field_1);
    vector<int> _private_field_1;

Clearly, this kind of lambda cannot be converted to function pointers.

Parameter list

Just as ordinary functions, lambdas can accept input parameters:

auto l = [](int i) { return i%2 == 1; };

From C++14 we can leave the compiler deduce parameters automatically (adopting templates deduction rules):

auto l = [](auto i) { cout << i << "\n"; };

The parameter list is optional when the lambda is parameterless:

auto l = [] { cout << "hello" << "\n"; };

Lambda capture

A lambda can introduce new variables in its body (in C++14), and it can also access (capture) variables from the surrounding scope. A lambda begins with the capture clause ([]), which specifies which variables are captured, and whether the capture is by value or by reference. Variables that have the ampersand (&) prefix are accessed by reference and variables that do not have it are accessed by value.

We can use the default capture mode to indicate how to capture any outside variables that are referenced in the lambda: [&] means all variables that we refer to are captured by reference, and [=] means they are captured by value. We can even mix captures:

[&total, factor] // total by reference, factor by value
[factor, &total] // same as before
[&, factor] //factor by value, everything else by reference (only variables the lambda actually accesses)
[factor, &] // same as before
[=, &total] //total by reference, everything else by value (only variables the lambda actually accesses)
[&total, =] // same as before
[&, this] // methods and data members of the enclosing class (this) and other variables by reference
[*this] // the enclosing class is copied into the lambda (the closure becomes self-contained)

In addition, from C++14 we can even introduce and initialize new variables in the capture clause, without the need to have those variables exist in the lambda function’s enclosing scope:

pNums = make_unique<vector<int>>(nums);  
auto a = [ptr = move(pNums)]() {  
   // the lambda owns ptr

Return type

The return type of a lambda expression is automatically deduced:

auto x1 = [](int i){ return i; }; // return type is int

Lambda return type deduction is the same as auto return type deduction that follows the rules of template argument deduction.

In other words, assume lambdas return by value and when we need to return differently we could specify what to return by hand:

vector<int> v = {1,2,3};
auto get0    = [&]           { return v[0]; }; // return type is int
auto get0Ref = [&]() -> int& { return v[0]; }; // return type is int&

Such syntax is called trailing return type.

How to hold and pass lambdas around?

Because each lambda function is implemented by creating a separate class, as we saw earlier, even single lambda function is really a different type - even if the two functions have the same arguments and the same return value!

To store and pass lambdas around we have a few options supported by the standard:

auto and Templates

auto is always our friend when we need to declare variables whose type we don't know:

auto lam = [](int i, int j) { return i+j; };

This is the most efficient way to store lambdas. Similarly, we can pass lambdas by using templates (this is the approach adopted by the standard library):

template<typename Callable>
void MyAlgo(Callable callable);


Sometimes we have to commit to a non-generic type, for different reasons.

Function pointers

Committing stateless lambdas to function pointers is automatic:

using FunPtr = void(*)(int, int);

void MyAlgo(FunPtr);

auto lam = [](int i, int j) { ... };
MyAlgo(lam); // automatic conversion

What about stateful lambdas?

Functional polymorphic wrapper: std::function

C++11 introduces a convenient wrapper for storing any kind of function (lambda function, functor, or function pointer): std::function. It allows you to specify the exact types for the argument list and the return value in the template:

std::function<int(int, int)> lam = [](int i, int j) { return i+j; };

This is a great way of passing around lambdas both as parameters and as return values.

void MyAlgo(std::function<int(int, int)> lam);

std::function is able to store any kin of function, including stateful callables:

vector<int> values = {1,2,3};
std::function<int(int)> lam = [&](int i) { return v[i]; };

Note: invoking a default-constructed std::function results in throwing an exception. You can check if a std::function holds a callable:

 std::function<void(int)> f;
 if (!f)
    cout << "empty";

The snippet above will print empty.

Continue Reading:

Hands on!

An open question is dividing the company: how to access all the available urls? A group of devs sustains we should just have a GetUrls function returning a vector with url information; on the other hand, another faction supports a different idea: we should make our service visitable by adding support for internal iteration. That is, instead of controlling the iteration (e.g. by iterating on the resulting data structure), the client just provides the code which must be executed for all/some of data elements. We take (the service) care of how the elements are accessed.

Some benefits of internal iteration:

  • declarative style ("what" opposed to "what" and "how")
  • internal details are hidden (we can change them afterwards with no impact on the client)

Your boss decides to embrace this latter option to give a little functional touch to the service. Your task consists in:

  • implementing a visit function which invokes a callable object for each stored urls,
  • making the test work

Your boss has decided to use a template because he is obsessed with performance...accommodate his request:

Implement a visit function
Do you really give up? :(

Here is a possible solution:

template<typename Visitor>
void MicroUrlService::VisitMicroUrls(Visitor visitor) const
	for (auto&[id, url] : m_idToUrl)

Actually, id is unused and it may result in a warning. We cannot ignore it with [maybe_unused] attribute so we should eventually avoid structure bindings:

template<typename Visitor>
void MicroUrlService::VisitMicroUrls(Visitor visitor) const
	for (auto& p: m_idToUrl)

Algorithms Renaissance

Lambda expressions breathed new life into STL algorithms. Basically, customization points of standard functions are passed as callable objects, that are objects implementing the call operator (e.g. operator()). Before C++11, we had to use free/static functions or separate classes, making the use of algorithms a bit inconvenient.

Since C++11, we can finally drop some disposable pieces of code on the same line the algorithm is called.

std::map<int, string> m;

// customizing max to work on second element of pairs
auto maxElemIt = std::max_element(begin(m), end(m), [](auto& left, auto& right) {
		return left.second < right.second;

Although STL algorithms have some limits (e.g. lack of composition), they are very powerful and flexible.

This topic may be covered in a future workshop.

A jump into the future

Post-modern C++ programmers should know how to exploit all the algorithms and containers of the STL. In C++20 this requirement will be even more important with the introduction of ranges.

Ranges move the generic interface of algorithms from iterators to sequences (ranges). A range can be loosely thought of a pair of iterators, although they need not be implemented that way.

The primary benefits of ranges are:

  • readability (you pass only a single argument to algorihtms)
  • composability (a single range object permits pipelines of operations)

Ranges is built on top of functional concepts, just like C#'s Linq.

For example, compare this python snippet:

 up=sum(map(lambda (a,b): a>b, zip(low[1:], close)))
 down=sum(map(lambda (a,b): a<b, zip(high[1:], close)))
 print("%d %d" % (up, down))

With this C++20 one:

auto up = ranges::accumulate(view::zip_with(greater<>{}, view::tail(low), close), 0);
auto down = ranges::accumulate(view::zip_with(less<>{}, view::tail(high), close), 0);
cout << up << " " << down;

Get ready to embrace this new powerful union of generic and functional programming.

Hands on!

Encouraged by the growing interest generated by url visitation, your new slave intern Tom implemented a visitor which counts url frequencies.

Tom is learning algorithms and needs your help. He wrote two working features:

  • retrieving the most popular url (the one submitted the most time to our service)
  • retrieving the number of times an url prefix has been submitted to our serive

Can you replace for loops with with C++ algorithms?

(you have to copy and paste your previous implementation of visitation).

Fix the test
Do you really give up? :(

In MostPopular we can use max_element:

std::string MostPopular() const
	auto maxElemIt = std::max_element(begin(m_freq), end(m_freq), [](auto& left, auto& right) {
			return left.second < right.second;
	return end(m_freq) != maxElemIt ? maxElemIt->first : std::string{};

In StartingWith we can use find_if:

ptrdiff_t StartingWith(std::string_view sv) const
	auto beginPrefix = m_freq.lower_bound(sv);
	auto endPrefix = std::find_if(beginPrefix, end(m_freq), [=](auto& p) {
		return, sv.size(), sv) != 0;
	return std::distance(beginPrefix, endPrefix);
Bonus: Have you spotted that `std::ref`?

Since we pass our lambda by value, we lose any change of state - all the standard algorithms take the callable by value.

In both C and C++ function pointers are passed by value. STL Function objects are modeled after function pointers, so the convention in the STL is that function objects, too, are passed by value when passed to and from functions. This has some benefits and some implications: the compiler can make some optimizations like inlining the code to avoid function calls.

Anyway, a simple idiom to pass by reference in this case is through std::ref, which creates a value-type that behaves like a reference:


std::ref creates a std::reference_wrapper, which provides a call operator (operator()) proxying to the wrapped object.

This approach is very useful to invoke functions taking generic callables by value and we want to pass them by reference. To give you another example, this is the way to pass by reference to threads (beware of lifetime!):

thread t1 { fun }; // fun is by value
thread t1 { std::ref(fun) }; // not copied (be careful with the scope...)

Another usage of such idiom, probably less common, is to pass polymorphic objects to an STL algorithm.

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