
The Game Manager

This document introduces the core code of the CodinGame's toolkit which includes the Game Manager and the viewer's replay engine.


Include the dependency below in the pom.xml of your project.


Or a more recent version. See the Release Notes.

Basic Implementation

Your project should include the class Player and the class Referee. Your Referee class may then inject (using Guice) a singleton of SoloGameManager or MultiplayerGameManager (corresponding to the type of game you want to create) parameterized by your Player class. Your Player class should extend AbstractSoloPlayer or AbstractMultiplayerPlayer.

Example for a Multiplayer game:

class Player extends AbstractMultiplayerPlayer {
    public int getExpectedOutputLines() {
        return 1;

public class Referee extends AbstractReferee {
    @Inject private MultiplayerGameManager<Player> gameManager;
    public void init() {

    public void gameTurn(int turn) {

    public void onEnd() {

Example for a Solo game:

class Player extends AbstractSoloPlayer {
    public int getExpectedOutputLines() {
        return 1;

public class Referee extends AbstractReferee {
    @Inject private SoloGameManager<Player> gameManager;
    public void init() {

    public void gameTurn(int turn) {

    public void onEnd() {

The Game Manager's API will thus work with your Player class, which you may modify at leisure.

Working with Guice

Using Guice in your own code is totally optional but since the SDK uses injections to handle the instantiation of its different components, it is important to note a few things:

  • An injected field will be instantiated by Guice, those fields with @Inject will always be null if you instantiate the class yourself using the new operator.
  • Any simple class can be injected into your Referee and you can inject the Referee or GraphicEntityModule into any simple class.
  • Writing a lot of Guice code may cause the game to slow down.


public class Referee extends AbstractReferee {
    @Inject MultiplayerGameManager<Player> gameManager;
    @Inject MyGridMaker gridMaker;

    public void init() {
      // Map size can be 5,6,7 or 8
      int mapSize = 5 + gameManager.getRandom().nextInt(4)

public class MyGridMaker {
    @Inject GraphicEntityModule entityModule;

    public static final int cell_size = 20;

    public void init(int size) {
      // Use the injected GraphicEntityModule to create a grid
      for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
          .setX(x * cell_size)
          .setY(y * cell_size)


General Features

This section introduces the different features of the Game Manager for any type of game.

For type-specific features, see:

Note that an Optimization game is a Solo game with more settings


You can get your Player instances from the Game Manager with getPlayer methods. They allow you to interact with the players' AIs.

You can use the getNicknameToken() and getAvatarToken() methods to get tokens that will be converted into the real corresponding information by the viewer.

To allow the AIs to play:

  • You must send input data to your players with sendInputLine().
  • Execute one turn of their code with execute()
  • Finally, get their output with getOutputs() and use them in your game.

Timeout If a player times out (send an invalid value, takes too long to execute ...) you will be sent a TimeoutException. You can use this to end the game or deactivate the player, for example.

Maximum number of turns

You can set the maximum number of turns before the game ends (even if there are still active players). If you don't set this parameter, the game will end within 200 turns.


This parameter is an important performance setting. See the Guidelines for more details.

Turn maximum time

You can set the maximum time allowed to a Player to execute their code for a turn. If you don't set this parameter, the players will have 50ms to execute.


This parameter is an important performance setting. See the Guidelines for more details.


Tooltips will appear on the replay of the current game. They are usually short and describe when a player loses or timeout.

gameManager.addTooltip(player, player.getNicknameToken() + " timeout!");

Game Summary

You can add texts that will be displayed to all players in the game summary, under the viewer.

gameManager.addToGameSummary(String.format("%s pushed %s!", player1.getNicknameToken(), player2.getNicknameToken()));

Frame duration

You can modify the duration of a frame displayed in the viewer.


The duration is in milliseconds and the default one is 1000ms.

You can also get this value with gameManager.getFrameDuration();.

Multiplayer Game Features

In a Multiplayer game, you will need to use the MultiplayerGameManager implementation parameterized with your Player.

Game parameters

The Multiplayer Game Manager gives you access to Game parameters. These are used to vary your game and allow configuration in the CodinGame IDE Options. The game parameters is a Properties object you can get with getGameParameters().

By default, the game parameters contain a randomized seed.

Active Players

All the players are active at the beginning of a battle. If they lose or timeout, you can choose to deactivate() them. They will no longer be in the list of players obtained with getActivePlayers().

End Game

You may want to end the game before the maximum number of turns is reached. You can use endGame() whenever one of the players meets the victory condition.

Solo Game Features

In a Solo game, you will need to use the SoloGameManager implementation parameterized with your Player.

Test cases

Your game will need at least one test case. See Test case files for more details on their creation.

The Solo Game Manager provides you the test case input with getTestCase().

End Game

In Solo games, you do not compete against other players. Therefore, you will need to decide when a player wins or loses. To do that, you have two methods:




Score calculation

Once the game is published, players can submit their code to acquire a score. This score is the percentage of validators that the player has successfully passed. Validators are a specific kind of test case. Make sure you configure them correctly.

Optimization Game Features

An Optimization game is a Solo game with a criteria score, such as Points, or Fuel as well as the normal validator score.

To configure the optimization criteria, you'll need to track it yourself in the game's code and send it as metadata with the GameRunner's putMetadata() method. More information here on the configuration of an optimization game.

Once your game is correctly configured, we advise you set the criteria score at the end of the game as below:

public void onEnd() {
    // I set my criteria "Fuel" to what's left of the player's fuel
    gameManager.putMetadata("Fuel", remainingFuel);

Rank calculation

When a player submits code in an optimization game, they are assigned:

  • An ordinary score: the percentage of validators successfully passed.
  • A total critera score: the sum of the criteria scores from each validator.

The player's rank is determiend firstly by their score, then by their total criteria score. This means a very optimized solution that fails a single validator will rank lower than a poorly optimized solution that achieves 100%.

In case of a draw in both score and total criteria score, the ranking is arbitrary.

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