
BrainFuck part 5 - Math sequences



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The goal of this playground is to play with maths, again, more exactly with some famous math sequences.

Let's start with the list of prime numbers !

A prime number is a number that allows only 2 distinct divisors: 1 and itself. First prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ...

Computing all prime numbers up to a limit can be implemented using a sieve :

  • Generate an array of all integers from 2 up to the limit
  • Go to the first non-null item in the array
  • This number N is prime
  • Then, reset array items every N cells starting from this one


  • 2 is prime
    • remove 4, 6, 8, ... and all multiple of 2
  • 3 is a prime
    • remove 6 (again), 9, 12, ... and all multiples of 3
  • 4 is null (reset by 2)
  • 5 is prime
    • remove 10 (again), 15 (again), 20 (again), 25, ...
  • 6 is null
  • 7 is prime
  • ...

Let's print all prime numbers (<256 of course), in a comma separated list

Let's start

  • Memory: empty
  • Cursor: on first cell
  • Input: a decimal number


  • First, generate comma (code 44), to print it when needed
  • Generate an array from 2 to max value
    • Values can be null, it's a 2-cell-long array
    • _Note : we will use a structure [value, flag] instead of [flag, value], code is a bit shorter_a
    • method
      • decrease empty cell by one to have max value
      • set flag on the right to 1
      • while value cell is not null, copy after the flag, then set the flag and repeat
    • This generates a set of cells [value, flag], from 255 to 1 : remove 2 extra cells (one array item) at the end
    • Note: the array is reversed... but it's not a big deal
  • Go to last array item
  • For each array item
    • If value is not null : prime
      • Copy and print
      • Print comma
      • Copy again as counter
      • Move cells on the left and decrease counter
      • When counter is null, N is a factor of current cell : reset cell and recreate counter, then continue
  • loop


>++++[-<+++++++++++>]      ( 44 = 4x11 )
>-                         generate max value
[                          while current value is not null
  [->+>+<<]>[-<+>]         copy 2 cells ahead
  +                        set flag
  >-                       decrease next value
]                          loop
<-<-<                      remove last value (1) and go to first cell (2; on flag)
[                          while current cell is an array item
  -                        reset flag (cell is being processed but not part of the array anymore)
  <[                       if number is not null : prime
    [->>+>>+<<<<]>>>>      copy (note leave the ex flag cell empty to ease array browsing)
    [>>>>++++++++++<<<<[-  print N as decimal number
    >+>>+>-[<-]<[->>+<<<<   ** part 2 **  
    [->>>+<<<]>]<<]>+[-<+   ** part 3 **
    >]>>>[-]>[-<<<<+>>>>]   ** part 4 **
    <<<<]<[>++++++[<+++++   ** part 5 **
    +++>-]<-.[-]<]          ** part 6 **
    <<<<[<<]<.             print comma
    >>>[>>]                go back to end of array
    >[->+>>+<<<]>[-<+>]<   copy value as cell counter
    <<<[                   go to last array cell
      -<[->>+<<]>>>+       move to right (reset flag then move value then set new flag)
      [>>]+                go to counter and set else flag
      <-[>-]>[             decrease counter; if null (else flag still set)
        -                  reset else flag
	<<[<<]>            go to last moved value
	[-]                reset value (multiple of N)
	>[>>]>>            go back to end of array and then counter saved copy
	[-<+<<+>>>]<[->+<] create a new counter
      ]                    end if (position: just before counter saved copy; the last non empty cell in memory)
    <<<[<<]<<]             process next cells
    >>>>[-<[-<<+>>]<+>>>>] Move back all array cells
    >>[-]<<<[-]            reset counter remainder and counter copy
  <<]                      end if
<]                         loop

Minified version


Final state

  • Memory: 44, 0, 0, 0
  • Cursor: on 2nd cell
  • Input: empty
  • Output: All prime numbers, base 10, comma separated

Test program

Let's replace the "-" that generates the max value by a "," that reads a char


This will write prime numbers up to a given limit (ex : 'x' for primes up to 120)

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